Suffering from headaches or other head pain?
Tired of living on pain medications?
Frustrated by missing work days and important family events?
Ready for a real, long-lasting pain-relief solution?
The leading cause of headaches is not what you think, and it's not all in your head. TruDenta can help. TruDenta treats the cause of many headaches and headache-pain symptoms, and provides long-lasting, needle-free, and drug-free pain relief.
Do you experience one or more of the following?
- One or more chronic headaches a week
- Two or more missed days of work a month due to headaches
- Pain in your jaw, face, neck, shoulders, and arms for longer than a year
- Ringing or fullness in your ears
Would you like your headache pain relief to be:
- Drug-free?
- Pain-free?
- Long-lasting?
- From state-of-the-art-technology?
- Derived from proven sports medicine therapy?
If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, ask us if we can help you!
Headache Relief Northwest | Dr. Steve Anderson
When forces in the head and neck are imbalanced (due to long term stress, injury or other conditions), Dentomandibular Sensorimotor Dysfunction may result.
Dentomandibular Sensorimotor Dysfunction may manifest as:
- Headaches and Migraines
- TMJ Disorders
- Trigeminal Neuralgia and Face Pain
- Tinnitus
Dr. Steve Anderson and his team use computer software to locate and diagnose imbalances in the head and neck.
We use the following treatments to correct Dentomandibular Sensorimotor Dysfunction:
- Ultrasound
- Manual Muscle Therapy
- Microcurrent Therapy
- Cold Laser Therapy
- Mandibular Release
- At Home Techniques and Therapies
- Do you suffer from chronic headaches or migraines?
- Are you tired of trying new medications that only mask your pain?
- Are you looking for a pain free, needle and drug free alternative?
At Headache Relief Northwest, Dr. Steve Anderson and his team are excited to offer a natural approach to treating chronic head and neck pain.
Please explore our site for information on treatments we use and how to get started on your journey to a pain free life!
We look forward to hearing from you! Contact us with any questions you may have or to schedule an appointment.